We support the Mysikrólik Foundation
ORO’s new bulb packaging depicts endangered bird species, highlighting the idea of cost-effective LED lighting.
It’s not just a visual change – the bulbs themselves have become more economical and environmentally friendly, meeting Ecodesign standards. They will reduce your energy bills by 25% compared to traditional LED bulbs.

Mysikrólik Foundation
To the rescue of wild creatures
At the heart of the wildlife rehabilitation center of Slawek Lyczka and his wife Agnieszka beats the heart of the Mysikrólik Foundation. It is here, in their committed hands, that the daily battle for the health and safety of the wild inhabitants of the surrounding forests and fields takes place. Every day the phone doesn’t go silent, and on the other end of the receiver are concerned residents from the area, reporting the fate of swifts falling out of their nests, quackers unable to return to strength, injured pigeons or deer hit by a car. For the past ten years Slawek and Agnes have been giving their hearts and strength to these defenseless creatures, but they stress that they are actually helping not only animals, but also people – those who have been touched by sensitivity to the suffering of creatures.
Protecting birds is not only a matter of their very existence, but also a key element in maintaining the balance of nature. Therefore, supporting initiatives to protect them is extremely important, both from an environmental perspective and for the benefit of humanity.
First, birds play an irreplaceable role in the ecosystem by controlling pest populations. Thanks to their feeding activity, they reduce the abundance of insects and rodents, which in turn translates into lower losses in agricultural crops and reduces the need to use chemical crop protection products. In this way, they support sustainable agricultural practices while promoting a healthier and greener environment.
Second, birds are an important factor in the process of plant seed dispersal, which affects the preservation of biodiversity in nature. By foraging for fruit and spreading seeds, birds contribute to the regeneration of forests, grasslands and other ecosystems, which is crucial to maintaining ecological stability.
Unfortunately, environmental changes such as deforestation, pollution and climate change are having a negative impact on bird populations, leading to a decline in their numbers and the disappearance of some species. That’s why support for bird conservation organizations such as the Mysikrólik is crucial to maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance.
As Led-Pol, we are aware of our responsibility for the state of the environment, which is why we decided to take action to protect birds. By placing images of endangered bird species on our LED products and donating a portion of our profits to organizations such as Mysikrólik, we seek not only to raise public awareness of the need to protect birds, but also to actively support bird conservation efforts.
By supporting organizations like Mysikrólik that run projects to protect birds and their habitats, we can have a real impact on improving the situation of birds in the wild. With our financial assistance, these organizations are able to carry out activities aimed at protecting bird habitats, monitoring populations and educating the public about the need to preserve biodiversity.
In this way, through our business activities, we are not only nurturing our own image as a socially responsible company, but most importantly, we are supporting environmental protection and the preservation of biodiversity, which is crucial for future generations and the stability of the planet’s ecosystems.

ORO E14 G45 TOTO 3.5W - Goldcrest
A small but very robust bird. It can even sit for several hours in the cold! The yellow ,,crown” on his head emphasizes the name he was given, meaning tiny king.

ORO E14 C37 TOTO 5W - Eurasian tree sparrow
Also called a field sparrow. It winters in Poland, gathering in large flocks. It has distinctive black spots on its cheeks. It readily occupies nesting boxes, and its food is largely plant-based.

ATOS 8.5W - Starling
Partly migratory, the medium-sized bird is a master of coordinated flights that can involve hundreds of thousands of starlings. When it sings, it reproduces not only the sounds of other birds, but also sounds from the human world (e.g., car alarms, phone rings).

ATOS 10.5W - Swift
A small, migratory bird that winters in Africa. It establishes nests in cracks in the walls of buildings, most often in cities. Its delicacies include. mosquitoes. In flight, it can reach speeds of up to 200km/h! In Poland it is under strict species protection.

ATOS 12W - Swallow
This small migratory bird, which migrates to Africa in the fall, can cover a distance of up to 12,000. kilometers. It usually establishes nests in dwellings and outbuildings and feeds on insects.
Traditionally considered a harbinger of spring.

ORO E14 G45 TOTO 5W - Tit
A colorfully feathered bird that winters in Poland and is under strict species protection. Tits are curious, like to settle near people and eat huge amounts of insects.
The most abundant and well-known species of tit is the rich tit.

ATOS 7.5W - Three-toed woodpecker
In Poland, it can be found in mountainous areas and wildernesses. It is a sedentary species, rarely making sounds, similar in size to other woodpeckers, and is under strict species protection.
Mysikrólik Foundation